Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Hi all...

OK here's the deal... Since I decided to scrap my initial idea on my storyboards for scene 2 (namely the laser grid section) I've been making it up on the fly as I go along which sounded like a good idea at the time, but now I'm bordering on insanity... THESE FUCKING FLIPS he's got to do are taking my too god dam long!

I've finally been able to get down and do some animating for this section... it's been really frustrating as I'm having trouble coming up with an idea that I'm going to be happy with for more than a coupe of hours. I keep getting this urge to change everything... NOT HELPING RIGHT NOW!

Here's an example... (its nowhere near complete, it runs a little fast, but I'll make hose changes in Premiere) I was going to use this for the beginning of my first flip for scene 2. I was happy with it until a moment ago when something in my head snapped and I realized he's got to land with his back turned to the laser grid in order for my other actions to flow smoothly.The jump at the start needs to bee a little higher, I'm going to have to redo the twist in mid air , also the forward somersault might look fine from this angel, but from anywhere else it looks like absolute shit (no idea what I was thinking) so I'll redo that as well.

Needless to say my reaction to all this is "FUCK!" (kicks hole on wall)
Will update when all these have been resolved

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