Sunday, April 6, 2008

Oh the Humanity!

Hey Guys,

Finally got around to updating this thing...
First off I feel a scene of relief and euphoria surrounding my entire being since completing the first assignment. I'm so happy its done! I hate my interior though, but seriously Maya has been testing my patients at everything I have tried to do, (I'm sure you'll all agree) but I have still managed to learn a great deal from this experience so its not all bad.

Looking forward to the next assignment, whatever that is...

I'm off to do some personal projects

catch you later


Sky said...
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Sky said...

... you finished on the 6th? I think you just got around to blogging it. *smile* Better late than never though.
*sigh* I should take after your example sometime.

It's ok if your munchkin-city is meek on interior. The exterior looked very redeeming.

btw, your blog seems to be missing pics? *hint* *hint*

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