Sunday, April 20, 2008

Concepts for the Second Project

Hello, Good-day, Good-evening, whatever,

Throughout the weekend I've been making progress on the 1st stage of development for the 2nd assignment. For the people that don't know, I've chosen to do a modern day bounty hunter, one that's gritty, grungy and in your face.

I know some people have been wanting to see what I've done so far, it took my AGES! to get off the mark with this one, which I'm not too happy about... but anyway there getting done now and that's all that matters.

I've finally got around to posting them here for your viewing pleasure... Enjoy!

Ok here's my first one... I've tried to do something more realistic this time other than my cartoony, or anime style. I'm just over it! Seriously! It's not that I don't love the style, and its been very effective, but I think its time for a change.

Well, now that that's all off my chest (*Big sigh*) back to the drawing. I originally wanted to have my character with long hair, but I'd end up having to put bones in it to get it to react when modeling comes around, so yea, I've been lazy and just gone with a short hairstyle.

Also I know this drawing doesn't line up correctly, I'll have to fix that... but I'm not to worried anyway cause I plan to use photo reference when modeling and just using the drawing as a guide.

I decided to alter the face with this drawing, I've gone back and made sure everything lines up, pain in the ass if you ask me, but it had to be done! also the hair has been simplified. I think I'll run with this, but its still a work in progress at the moment, got to add highlights and such, but tomorrow's another day...

Ok, action pose number one, presented to you in all its glory! la-di-da!
OMG this took me forever! I am so shit with proportions! done and redone, but I've got something that I finally like.
The two drawings are meant to go together as layers of clothing, layer 1 skintight leather , belts holsters and pouches, I'd love to add more, but I've got a poly/tri count to think about. 2nd layer is a long overcoat. Together I think these will be awesome, but I still don't feel like it looks very 'modern day', that's goes for my head drawings as well but I've still got to add in extra detail like tattoos , ripped clothing makeup ect, so I'll see how I go.

Lastly I have a third idea in the works involving camo, dog-tags and army boots. I'll keep you posted!

Catch you later.

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