Thursday, February 7, 2008

Maya Tips

Hi Guys,
Just been playing around with Maya for a bit and thought that you might like to know how to freeze your image planes when setting up for modeling. cause it been taking me FOREVER! how to figure out to freeze and still keep your planes visible. This will spare you the trouble
In Max this was easy, just go to preferences can uncheck 'show frozen in grey' ...
In Maya theres an extra step (like with everything you try to do in Maya! arrrgghhh!)
1st- select your plane and ctrl+A to bring up the attributes editor
2nd-Objects Display and then Ghosting Information and tick 'ghosting'
3rd- finally, hold RMB over your plane and select from the menu 'actions- template

This should get you image plane frozen in place and ready for modeling

Catch you layer!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Maya 2008

Hi Guys...

Heres whats been happening in my life... Knowing that we were going to change 3D programs before the end of 2007, changing to Maya 2008, I thought I'd get it early... like the beginning of the holiday break early... not wanting to spend $2000 and over to get it I downloaded it from a torrent website. TOOK FOREVER by the way (shit internet BAH HUMBUG!)
Anyways... I started to install the the thing and everything was good up until the point where I had to use a particular file to get it working..................................... It didn't.
So I thought my download was a dud... and continued throughout the holidays to find one that worked.

Well, right now its Sunday and we're all back at AIE in a few short hours (Awesomeness!)
I've just tried just for the hell of it the first Maya 2008 file I downloaded and surprise fucking worked. turns out one file was corrupted and had to download another to get it working.

Pretty happy with myself at the moment................ just got out of using 2 Grand!
But what's really got my pissed is I wanted to practice with Maya all holidays and I feel like I've wasted all this time! ARRRRRRGGGHHH!