Wednesday, November 21, 2007

On the Home Stretch!

Almost done, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (not that this hasn't been an extremely enjoyable experience :)
I have about 10 seconds to do which is basically the guns coming up and the thief shitting himself. I'm pretty happy with the additions to the scene, I've really gone crazy on the guns, theres more variety now then before which will be interesting to see and I've managed to put them EVERYWHERE! I'm taking 'massive overkill' here!
Then its on to post production which will be awesome!

1 comment:

Kayori said...

Hey! Log onto MSN!! i need to talk to you

about the due date

you know how we talked to Joe T and he said it was due... this coming week on Wednesday?

aparently according to the other joe the Dates been pushed back to the week after next on Monday - The other class has barely started animating. The other Joe also confirmed it with Eve saying that the due date is on Monday another week away.

Steve was told about the new due date and is working towards taht, i'm still trying to get as much done before Wednesday but remember it's most likely we have More time to work on this because it was confirmed with Eve