Friday, September 21, 2007

Revelation = Capoeira!

I had a revelation a few days ago about how I was going to animate my character in a certain section in the movie. Basically I first wanted my thief to perform a few flips and tricks to pass through a laser grid in the bank vault.
So I've been looking through a few movies eg. Matrix Trilogy, Mortal Kombat, Rush Hour ect... just to get some ideas on the stuff that he could do, cause I really want this to be good ... and then it dawned on me, capoeira!. For those how don't know, capoeira is a Brazilian form of martial arts and its fucking awesome!
Needless to say, it will work really well for the movie

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Character Update

Still making good progress today.
Added the sneakers and beanie, also applied a texture to see how it looked. Not too bad
Still planning to create some folds in his jumper though, which should work well.
Will update soon

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lack of Sleep!

Somehow last night between the lack of sleep, and the amounts of coffee I was taking to stay awake, my model sheet had a lot of sketches pop up on it.

Can't really remember doing this... but here you go.

Creating the Character

I had a MAJOR panic attack a few minutes ago... I was really worried that my character wasn't going to turn out the way I had hoped. Luckily, after applying a cell shader to what I had modeled so far, my anxiety over the subject faded. (BIG SIGH)

This is my thief thus far. Just getting his body right at the moment (I've drawn and redrawn this bastard all weekend trying to get him right!).
I know he looks a bit plain right now, but that will change. I'm planning to turn his shoes into sneakers, I'll give him a beanie on his head, along with a mask, also really wanting to give him a baggy jumper to wear, but I have no idea how to do cloth properly at the moment. Overall I want something thats cartoony, looks good and animates well, so I think I'm on the right track...

Anyways. I should have the hands done by tomorrow, then its finally on to the good stuff!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I really feel I've been making progress on the animation so far.
Currently I'm working on weapons for the bank vault, which will ultimately kick the shit! out of my little thief. (yes I am evil as well as crazy!)
It was suggested to me that the weapon of choice should be a mini-gun. Not having even thought of that I had to agree.
Sooooooooooo without further a-do here's what the the mini-gun looks like at the moment, I'm still not sure on colour though...

Let me here your thoughts :)

Cheers Guys.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


This is what I really didn't need right now! God dam cold!
I've got too many things to do and not enough focus or energy to do them!
....... except post this blog.