Friday, September 12, 2008

Skinning and Blend Shape'n

Hi all,
Haven't updated in a while so here's whats happening...
Got approval this week to move on to skinning abea - Finally!, really happy with how its going so far and should have it done by Monday ready for animating.
It also occurred to me as of 5 minutes ago that I forgot to put in the blend shapes for the head


so I'm frantically putting them in as I type this.

On a general note... Gamebryo is killing me... seriously! I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack every time I go to export to it... everything is working... for now... but you never know then it going to come back at you and kick you right in the balls... (by my count... about 4 times already)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Abea madness!

Hi all,

Haven't updated in a while so here's whats been happening at my end...
We're in our 4th or 5th week of production for Chameleon Circuit and I've been given the role of animator for the game (FTW!) I've also been modeling our main character 'Abea'.
I've made progress over the last couple of weeks, after modeling and remodeling, and I think I've finally got something that's close to the final, but I swear if I have to redo the feet one more time I'm going to kill someone! ......5 times already! arrrgh

other than that, alls good

Monday, June 30, 2008

You know your an animator when...

Hi all,

By now most people that I know should know that I love animating!...........if you didn't.... well..... You do now!

anyways just found this whilst randomizing my life and thought I'd to post it here.... Enjoy!

1. You find yourself walking outside and looking at the clouds and saying "aww....I could do better than that!"

2. The sight of the sun coming up (as you're leaving work) frankly disgusts you!

3. You have more toys than the average toy store.

4. When you have to remind yourself to Blink.

5. The first thought you have after you spill a carton
of milk on the floor is to hit the undo key.

6. You actually consider buying that caffinated soap.

7. You're walking down the street, imitating someones walk,
putting your own spin on it, not realizing there are people walking behind you watching..

8. You realize you've been listening to the same CD continuously for 6 hours.

9. Your hand looks like a crooked tree branch.

10. You've been scrubbing dialoge all day and when you take a break to get
something to eat, people talk to you like this, "wh the yoor we mittle bla.. wheershaw"

11. You take a lunch break, and you're 80 years old .

12. Your friends and family refuse to watch movies with you.

13. When you're in a conversation with someone and you're
analyzing their hand gestures and body language
rather than listening to what they're saying.

14. You can't turn on the lights without a gross
exaggeration of anticipation of your finger on the switch.

15. You do noises (WB style, etc.) when doing various actions.

16. You defend your favorite animation prog. as if it were a religion.

17. You know how to double bounce walk.

18. Boomerang companies are constantly calling you, asking if you could
come in so they could use your back as a mold for their new design.

19. 50,000 started but unfinished projects reside on your hard drive.

20. You are one of the two people that stay after movies to watch all of the credits.

21. If you've ever watched somone's hair move and thought how unrealistic it looks.

22. If your food isn't micro waved, your body goes into shock.

23. You actually find polka amusing. you can imagine a character dancing to it.

24. You say "ITS REFERENCE!!! OK>?!" when you act silly in public...when
In actuality you haven’t seen the light of day in three days and need to wiggle it all out.

25. You buy an electric blanket and a coffee platter that is plugged into the wall
near your computer so you don't have to leave....

26. You don’t answer your phone.

27. You have a mirror bigger than your car.

28. You sold your car for a computer.

29. You find clothes and food excessive spending, yet will drop
a couple hundred for a light table....and a cool mouse that massages your hand.

30. You sing your own version of the "Thong song....."
....your version being: "Phong, PHA-PHong,,, phong, phong...."

31. You own hundreds of sketchbooks for just ideas and scribbles.

32. You watch a DVD and watch it frame by frame.

33. You act out what you have to say to people...
rather than finding the right words.

34. Your family and friends assume you died.

35. You constantly try to use the hotbox to arrange your activities for the day.

36. Your parents laugh at you when you tell them that you make
cartoons until they find out you make more money than them.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Hi all,

I've been thinking for the last few days about the up and coming internships for Tantalus, Infinite Interactive, Krome, E.A and so on.
I DESPERATELY WANT A JOB! at any of these studios and I feel as if I've just been hit with a wave of panic!
Oh my god! my work in 3D as it stands right now is a bit small, I mean I have a few good pieces and all, but I can only hope that they are at least close to the standard that these studios are looking for.
I'm planning to put in my short film from 2007, along with a few drawings as well as the character from last year (like the body, hate the face, if I could change it with the face I'm using for my current character then it would be awesome, but oh well) also the character that I'm currently working on will definitely go in... I'd love to put the six animations for it as well, but their just not finished!

anyway, I'm off to drink some coffee and V to calm down to a more stable level...

Catch you later.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Assassin's Creed Rant

Hey Guys,

Just got around to finishing Assassin's Creed and I'm sitting here watching the credits roll and that little voice goes of in my head...................................... "Kill Ubisoft!"

So whilst I load my shotgun and prepare for the carnage that is to follow, I'll just fill you in on my thoughts about the game...

(Deep inhale...)

Seriously like oh my fucking god! How the hell can they even think that's a good way to end a game, no explanation no nothing! I won't spoil it for those of you who haven't played it... I'll let the game disappoint you. Here I am thinking I'm about to make sense of the storyline and THWACK! like a baseball bat to the head, GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER! and I'm left sitting there looking like I'm pants on head retarded.

Other than the way it all ended, Assassin's Creed is pure awesomeness in a can, with sprinkles and fried chicken...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Another Update

Hi again,

Yet another update for my character

Let me know what you think, cause I'm having trouble deciding

Character Update

Hey guys,

Just updating my designs for this character... nothing is really set in stone at the moment, I just want to get these out there.