Sunday, May 11, 2008

Assassin's Creed Rant

Hey Guys,

Just got around to finishing Assassin's Creed and I'm sitting here watching the credits roll and that little voice goes of in my head...................................... "Kill Ubisoft!"

So whilst I load my shotgun and prepare for the carnage that is to follow, I'll just fill you in on my thoughts about the game...

(Deep inhale...)

Seriously like oh my fucking god! How the hell can they even think that's a good way to end a game, no explanation no nothing! I won't spoil it for those of you who haven't played it... I'll let the game disappoint you. Here I am thinking I'm about to make sense of the storyline and THWACK! like a baseball bat to the head, GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER! and I'm left sitting there looking like I'm pants on head retarded.

Other than the way it all ended, Assassin's Creed is pure awesomeness in a can, with sprinkles and fried chicken...