Thursday, November 29, 2007

Rendering...waiting... and waiting some more!

I'm at the stage now where everything in finished and looking nice and pretty (the sparkles blind my eyes!) However, now all I can do is wait around for this thing to render, I really need to get another computer just to speed this up a bit... its taking a while.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

On the Home Stretch!

Almost done, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (not that this hasn't been an extremely enjoyable experience :)
I have about 10 seconds to do which is basically the guns coming up and the thief shitting himself. I'm pretty happy with the additions to the scene, I've really gone crazy on the guns, theres more variety now then before which will be interesting to see and I've managed to put them EVERYWHERE! I'm taking 'massive overkill' here!
Then its on to post production which will be awesome!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Scene 2 Completed

Hi all...
Scene 2 is pretty much complete right now, the bulk of the animation is done, just need to go back and add in facial expressions and stuff like that, but on the whole I'm glad I can finally move on to scene 3 which probably won't give me any difficulties (if Max knows whats good for it..... ((smacks max over the head)) Hey get back in the corner bitch!) Its basically just animating the alarms and guns, still not sure whether I should shoot the thief or fade out just before, but oh well I'll come to that later

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Problems Fixed

Thank God!
The issues I've been having, have been resolved. Turns out I needed to upgrade to service pack 2 as suggested by Joe. It worked

Nearing the end of Scene 2, quite happy with it so far. Then its on to scene 3, facial animation, lighting and sound effects

Sunday, November 4, 2007


I keep having this problem here I try to select the 'Bip01' object, you know the small round thing 'inside' the pelvis of the biped, and Max fucking crashes. THE PROBLEMS ALREADY AFFECTED 2 OF MY MAIN FILES!. I have no idea why this is happening! I can select all my key frames except the ones for the bip01 object, I just click them and it instantly crashes, maybe max can only handle a certain amount of key frames...... but thats a load of shit!

I'm this close to throwing my computer out the window!

If anyone has encountered this problem or knows how to solve it PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HELP ME!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

2 minutes isn't enough time!

Just made major changes to Scene 1.
I'm extremely happy with the improved result, (props to Jason) problem is I had to chew up a bit more time to get it done. I swear 2 minutes isn't enough, especially when your doing an animation filled with gags... we need that time for pauses, anticipation and delivery of jokes, I've already had to sacrifice about half of my gags already and I don't want to get rid of any more!

Going to have to beg and see if we can get at least another 20 seconds